Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New York: Part Two

For those of you just joining, I spent a week in New York. But don't get the wrong impression, it's not like I was there just for kicks (I couldn't afford to); I was there job shadowing. (And sorry for the lateness of this post. I meant to write it earlier, but that didn't work out.)

I spent Monday and Tuesday at Curtis Brown learning all about the agenting side of publishing from the absolutely amazing Ginger Clark (but if you talk to her I said she was horrible and mean, okay?) as well as a few of the other awesome people working there. You can read that post here.

Curtis Brown is where I decided that I want to be an agent after I graduate. I've never been more sure, you know, other than that whole being a writer thing... :)

Wednesday and Thursday were spent inside Penguin, yes, you read that right, at two of the children imprints shadowing Jordan Hamessley, who was kind enough to host us despite some inner turmoil at one of the imprints.

Now, on to pictures! (I'm trying to get better at this but Blogger really doesn't like me posting pictures.)

 This massive building is home to Penguin, and by that I mean multiple floors are devoted to the publishing house with multiple imprints on each one. 

We were visiting Dunlap & Grosset and Price Stern Sloan. Jordan introduced us to a few people she works with so we got to see more of publishing than just acquisitions. We got to meet a copy editor (no thank you btw) and a designer (this actually sounded cool lol) who turned out to be from Paragould, which is Katie's hometown.

The lobby, inside on either side is a glass case of books. Beautiful.

On our last day, Jordan was nice enough to take us up to the YA imprints and we left with an armful of books each. (We divided the books up for now as well as the hefty stack we received from Ginger and Katherine Fausset and we'll swap later... more reviews for you guys!)
 (She's a little blurry... my bad.)
We left on Saturday, and we dreaded the ride back, both of us hoping like hell we wouldn't wind up spending an entire day on the train again. And we left with quite a bit more knowledge than we came with, including the fact that we both feel a lot better about what we want to do with our lives.
Luckily, the train ride went VERY smoothly and we slept and read for most of the trip. Also, it was very pretty when we were heading out.

We arrived in Ohio early Sunday morning, and we were exhausted.

And that's all I have for today folks. 
Tomorrow, I'll post a review of one of the books I read while I was gone and then on Friday I'll show you what we did in our free time and the small bit of Ohio I got to see when we got back.Also, I'll give you a list of the books I came home with, though it's only half the loot we walked away with. :) 
Did I mention how much I love this industry? Because I do. A lot. I can't imagine doing anything else with my life other than reading and writing and helping others to do the same.


Lydia Kang said...

Soo cool! You were inside Curtis Brown! If I had known that being a lit agent was a career choice, I definitely would have thought about it.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

Jemi Fraser said...

That is incredible! What an absolute thrill! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Such a unique experience.
And free books to boot!

Katie said...

How exciting! Sounds like you had an awesome time! I had to put to rest the dream of becoming an editor when I learned a little more about what they do. In your words: "no thank you btw." Being an agent sounds like way more fun. Or a publicist. That's what I'm shooting for as of now. :)

kah said...

Oh how fun! See, I slack off on reading blogs for a week or two and I miss this exciting news.

I met Ginger at a conference and think she's a doll. So cool that you got to hang out with her at CB.

You girls look adorable in the pics. Congrats on figuring out your future path! :)


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