Monday, March 8, 2010


I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before, but I write fanfiction. Harry Potter fanfiction. Well, I used to before I got overly busy and had to leave a story half finished; I promise I'll finish it, really, I will.

Anyway, I've been writing fanfics since I was like 14 (I'm 20 now), and I've always gotten really good feedback on my stuff. I know my fics aren't as great as they should be; they haven't been edited with a careful eye, and I've become a much better writer since some of them were penned. But I have fans, and that's really something to me. (Please don't look up any of my stories and embarrass me.)

We say that as writers we want to share a story with people, we want to affect their lives for the better, we want to create the book that gets people reading. So when I opened my Outlook when I got home from work this evening, I nearly cried over a fanfic response:

Hey, I've been a fan for a while now, since Hell's fire, Heaven's Wings =D I just wanted to say thankyou. Thankyou for inspiring me to write =).... I was sitting in my job employment place today on my fanfiction page. I've been really sick lately, and it hurts to use my laptop, and I don't have a printer.
But while I was sitting at the place, looking at your stories again, I decided to take advantage of the printer, and ended up printing off all of "Hell's Fire, Heaven's Wings", "The Dragon Underneath", "The Phoenix Within", "Heaven's Forgiveness, Hell's Damnation", "Stress Relief". lol all up it was 82 pages. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you, that I did it for my personal use. I absolutely love your stories...
And I can honestly say, two weeks ago I was on the phone to my best friend, and I was telling her about a story I hadn't read for ages, and when I did read it, I absolutely fell in love with it. And to this day, it's still my favourite on fanfiction. Ever. Nothing has topped it yet =D Can you guess what it is? Hell's Fire, Heaven's Wings =D.

This absolutely made my day. It topped the bunnies that I saw on the way back to the dorm. It topped the fresh, crispy, salty fries I had from McDonald's.

This, this is why I write. I write because I hope that my stories will resonate with people, will inspire them, will take them to new highs/lows/places/etc. I write to make a difference in someone's life, even if it's only the tiniest impact, because you never know how the smallest things can change your whole life.

Why do you write?


Anassa said...

I write more to entertain than to resonate, but gad, if I got a comment like that from a fan, that'd definitely make my week. I got my start in fanfic too, and will never get over the "fans of my fic" thing, ever. It's such an awesome feeling.

As I said, my goal's entertainment. I want to make people laugh, smile, and/or spit liquid. I want them to be too involved to put the book down. If I can brighten a day, I've succeeded.

Unknown said...

That's something I want to do to. I just consider that making an impact, because chances are if you've made someone laugh out loud or cry then you've probably changed their entire day, or at least a good chunk of it/their mood. :)

Gargantua said...

I write because if I don't, my head will explode. I am always pleased to receive feedback on my work, good or bad, because I know tht without such input I won't be able to improve. For me, pleasing the audience is an added bonus.

But, if got an email like the one you did, I would still have to do a happy dance. :)


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